June 28, 2010

No Mischief Monday

Click on the photo to link to the WorldChanging website.

WorldChanging: A Users Guide For The 21st Century is a giant brick of a book that contains just about everything you need to create a sustainable life. The best thing about it is that all the technology and solutions mentioned are available today. Plus, carrying this volume back and forth from the library will keep you fit.

Often compared to the "Whole Earth Catalogue", WorldChanging is full of optimism and examples of people who are doing it now. Like the Chinese proverb says, "Those who think it can't be done should stay out of the way of those who are doing it." We need to hear more from those who are doing what others say can't be done.

Many complain that we don't hear enough good news. WorldChanging is full of good news. This is a book you will return to over and over, either to help green up your life, or just for a good read to make you feel more hopeful about the future.

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